Sarah Stewart
Scholarship holder of the Residency Programme of the Krakow City of Literature UNESCO, implemented by the Krakow Festival Office in cooperation with the Villa Decius Institute for Culture in 2017.

Sarah Steward stared her career in a comic publishing house DC Thompson. Afterwards she moved to London to work as a journalist and editor. She worked for Scholastic Children’s Books and Floris Books; as a journalist she wrote for Mizz, Bella, Time Out, The Skinny, The Herald, The List and The Guardian. She is a chairman of Lighthouse Literary Consultancy, an organisation offering professional help to emerging writers. Her children books were published by Stripes under the name Sarah Forbes, and her poems appeared in Anon, Gutter, Mslexia, New Writing Dundee, The Pickled Body, The Scotsman and in the anthologies Be The First To Like This: New Scottish Poetry and Best Scottish Poems 2014. She in especially interested in the poetry of Czesław Miłosz since having participated in the project „Written World“.
Listen to Sarah Stewart read her poem This is a true story and read her other poems at Scottish Poetry Library.
Listen to Sarah Stewart read her poem This is a true story and read her other poems at Scottish Poetry Library.