Accessoble Villa 01.06.2023
New facilities for people with special needs.

We are pleased to announce that over the past few months we have introduced a number of new facilities at Villa Decius for people with visual and hearing impairments, facilitating access to the building, as well as access to our offer of tours of the Villa's historic space.
As part of the "History of Villa Decius - from the time of Justus Decius to the present day" project, the following facilities have been introduced for people with various disabilities, i.e.:
- on our website we have posted videos in Polish Sign Language describing ways and means of reaching Villa Decius;
- at the entrance to the Villa Decius building, in the upper courtyard, a parking space has been designated for a disabled person;
- outside the Villa there are tiflographic plans and directional signage, and lines leading to the main entrance have been painted;
- an intercom has been installed at the entrance door from the upper courtyard, which is equipped with a screen that displays a light and voice message indicating that the door is open;
- in the Main Hall, a reception and information desk has been set up on the first floor of the building, where an induction loop and an online Polish Sign Language (PJM) interpreter service are available to facilitate communication;
- audio and video guides to Villa Decius are available at the reception and information desk;
- a printed simple guide to the interiors of Villa Decius has been prepared for visitors;
- for safety reasons, visitors to the Villa who are g/deaf are issued signaling wristbands, which, in case of an emergency such as a fire, notify them to report to the reception desk as soon as possible;
- on each floor there are tiflographic plans with the location of the rooms, and placards with the names of the rooms (also in Braille) are placed on the doors to facilitate orientation in the building.
- evacuation placards and chairs have been installed on each floor of the building;
- an online ticketing service was launched on the IKWD website, and a virtual tour of Villa Decius was placed (in accordance with WCAG 2.1 digital accessibility requirements).
- training was provided for people with visual impairments to become guides at Villa Decius.
In addition, in order to raise awareness of the needs of people with special needs and to expand competencies in serving people with disabilities and adapting the cultural offer for this audience, training was conducted for the entire team of IKWD employees.
Project implemented as part of the "Culture without Barriers" conducted by the State Fund for Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities in partnership with the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, Institut fur Bildung und Kultur e.V and the Foundation for Culture without Barriers as part of Measure 4.3 of the Operational Program Knowledge Education Development 2014-2020 co-financed by the European Social Fund.
As part of the "History of Villa Decius - from the time of Justus Decius to the present day" project, the following facilities have been introduced for people with various disabilities, i.e.:
- on our website we have posted videos in Polish Sign Language describing ways and means of reaching Villa Decius;
- at the entrance to the Villa Decius building, in the upper courtyard, a parking space has been designated for a disabled person;
- outside the Villa there are tiflographic plans and directional signage, and lines leading to the main entrance have been painted;
- an intercom has been installed at the entrance door from the upper courtyard, which is equipped with a screen that displays a light and voice message indicating that the door is open;
- in the Main Hall, a reception and information desk has been set up on the first floor of the building, where an induction loop and an online Polish Sign Language (PJM) interpreter service are available to facilitate communication;
- audio and video guides to Villa Decius are available at the reception and information desk;
- a printed simple guide to the interiors of Villa Decius has been prepared for visitors;
- for safety reasons, visitors to the Villa who are g/deaf are issued signaling wristbands, which, in case of an emergency such as a fire, notify them to report to the reception desk as soon as possible;
- on each floor there are tiflographic plans with the location of the rooms, and placards with the names of the rooms (also in Braille) are placed on the doors to facilitate orientation in the building.
- evacuation placards and chairs have been installed on each floor of the building;
- an online ticketing service was launched on the IKWD website, and a virtual tour of Villa Decius was placed (in accordance with WCAG 2.1 digital accessibility requirements).
- training was provided for people with visual impairments to become guides at Villa Decius.
In addition, in order to raise awareness of the needs of people with special needs and to expand competencies in serving people with disabilities and adapting the cultural offer for this audience, training was conducted for the entire team of IKWD employees.
Project implemented as part of the "Culture without Barriers" conducted by the State Fund for Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities in partnership with the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, Institut fur Bildung und Kultur e.V and the Foundation for Culture without Barriers as part of Measure 4.3 of the Operational Program Knowledge Education Development 2014-2020 co-financed by the European Social Fund.