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Maryna Szoda

Resident of Scholar at Risk programme at the Villa Decius from October 2023 to February 2024.

Maryna Szoda

Born in 1973 in the city of Pruzhany, Belarus, Maryna graduated with a degree in philology from Belarusian University in Minsk. She defended her doctoral thesis entitled "Myth and Mythmaking in the Creative System of William Butler Yeats". From 2000 to 2021, she worked at the Department of Cultural Studies of the Faculty of Social and Cultural Studies at Belarusian State University. In 2022/23, she worked as a visiting professor at the European Humanities University in Vilnius. In 2012-2016, she participated in meetings and workshops of the International Translator Seminar “Translators Without Borders”. She translates from Polish and Ukrainian. She was awarded the Prajdzidzishevt prize for her translation of the story "Weiser Dawidek" by Pawel Huelle (2014). She has translated works including Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz's "Matka Joanna od Aniołów," Paweł Huelle's "Weiser Dawidek," "Mercedes-Benz," Slawomir Mrożek's "Opowiadania" (Short Stories), Olga Tokarczuk's "Prawiek i inne czasy" (Age of Dawn and Other Times), "Prowadź swój plug przez kości umarłych" (Drive Your Plug Through the Dice of the Dead), Czesław Miłosz's "Rodzinna Europa" (Family Europe), Janusz Korczak's "Kajtuś czarodziej" (Kajtuś czarodziej), A. Burzyńska, M.P. Markowski's "Theories of 20th Century Literature," etc.
Her academic interests are theory and history of myth, history of Belarusian literature in the context of world culture, translation studies.
She currently lives in Minsk.
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