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Doomed to indifference? 04.10.2024

Meeting on the Karl Dedecius Prize
On 4 October at 6 pm, together with the Deutsches Polen Institut, we invite you to Villa Decius for a meeting entitled ‘Condemned to indifference? Poles and Germans know less and less about each other’ on the occasion of the presentation of this year's K. Dedecius Prize.

How is Polish literature present in Germany? And vice versa: how about German literature in Poland? What do the data from these publishing markets say about their mutual cultural relations? How have these relations been influenced by the international successes of Olga Tokarczuk and Herta Müller? Awarded since 2003, the Karl Dedecius Prize, an eminent translator from Polish into German and ambassador of Polish literature in Germany, has been initiating and fostering debate on cultural exchange between our two countries for two decades. Since 2021, the Villa Decius Institute of Culture has been a partner in this process of strengthening cultural diplomacy, providing the winners with a month's residency.

We would like to invite you to Villa Decius on 4 October at 6 p.m. for a panel discussion on this topic. It will be attended by Urszula Poprawska and Lothar Quinkenstein - this year's laureates of the Award, as well as people actively building cultural contacts between Poland and Germany: Andrzej Kałuża, Dominika Kasprowicz, Peter Oliver Loew, Magdalena Parys, Natalia Prüfer.

Free tickets available here:

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