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Fulya Atacan

Resident of Scholar at Risk programme at the Villa Decius from October 2021 to February 2022.
Fulya Atacan was awarded the title of the Doctor of Social Science at Istanbul University in 1989, where she worked until 2000. Since 2000, she and a group of scientists have formed the Faculty of Political Science and International Relations at Yıldız Technical University in Istanbul, where, in 2004, she was awarded the title of professor. She is the author of numerous books and scientific articles on social change, Sufism, modern Islamic movements and Islamic parties in Turkey and Egypt. She is currently working on a comparison of religious institutions in these countries. As a visiting scholar, she has lectured at universities in Belgium, the Netherlands and Norway. She received several awards and scholarships for her scientific work.


SAR Fellow
Professor Fulya Atacan signed a public petition in 2016, calling the Turkish authorities to resume dialog with the factions from the southeast of the country. The Turkish government accused the signatories of the petition of treason and promoting terrorism and insulting Turkey's reputation. Due to the petition signed in February 2017, as a result of government persecution, she was dismissed from the university and barred from all public universities and state offices. Unable to safely continue her work and research activities in Turkey, seeking research and teaching opportunities in a safe place, Professor Atacan has received assistance under the global Scholars at Risk program. The City of Krakow, together with the Villa Decius Institute for Culture and the Jagiellonian University, provided support and shelter for the persecuted academic.
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